Monday, January 24, 2011

Hamilton's Icefest

It turns out Hamilton puts on quite the event when it comes to Icefest. It's been 3 years since the last one, but this year seemed to be bigger than ever. People from all over the country and world showed up to either carve their own ice or simply peruse the myriad of sculptures and art, including Olympic athletes (didn't know it was an event!). Props to Hamilton for putting on such an event, which included many other mediums of art displayed at the Government Services building as well.
To support this and our local community, we sponsored our own sculpture. It may not be the most appealing architectural house design we've done, but it is the only one we've ever built out of ice...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Looking back, looking forward and celebrating in-between

Another year has come and gone. 2010 was marked most significantly by our shop and office move, upgrading our paint shop, wood shop, office space and "showroom." Also a year of work diversity, starting the year off with a couple custom kitchens, then a couple garages, an addition, a few bathrooms, basement remodels and many window replacements just in time for the tax credit to expire. Our big commercial job at Berkeley Square Retirement Community ended our year strong and is beginning 2011 the same. In addition to Berkeley, we will be starting some more basements, custom cabinetry and more window replacements. Personally, 2011 will be the year of celebrations: Joey & his sister Bitsy are engaged, as well as Drew, and Rick is expecting his second child and 3rd generation of the family business.
Here are some pictures and video of the celebrations in-between: